笑神社區管理委員會 敬啟
※ 本演出為實境遊戲,觀眾須有微角色扮演並且共同闖關,請穿著輕便搭配、佩戴口罩,以及帶著開放的心胸、愉悅的心情,還有你那聰明的小腦袋瓜。
※ 建議參與年齡為16歲以上。本演出開放一般觀眾於場外觀賞。
※ 本演出需事先報名。
※ 演出前30分鐘開放現場報到,15分鐘前尚未報到者將無法入場,名額將開放給現場觀眾報名。
導演 / 劉文誠
編劇 / 共同創作
演員 / 陳英樓、廖昱勳 、蔡曜仲、張以磬
舞台監督 / 蔡傳仁
空間與道具設計 / 吳紫莖
燈光設計 / 羅宥倫
國立臺北藝術大學戲劇學系導演組畢業。曾擔任舞台劇導演、導助、演員、舞者、動作設計、戲劇教育老師等,另也參與商業活動、電視劇、廣告與演唱會製作等。近年重要製作包括:新竹縣親子小戲節、花蓮城市空間藝術節、新點子實驗場陳弘洋 x 吳子敬 x 邱柏翔《半金屬》、公共電視台《天橋上的魔術師》、《吳青峰「太空備忘記2020」巡迴演唱會》、台灣燈會X噪咖《寶島炫光巡邏隊》、飛人集社劇團X超親密小戲節《部分錯物》、臺師大表藝學程畢業製作《春醒 Spring Awakening》、兒童藝術節X小事製作《一起過五關》、耳東劇團《西哈遊記-魔二代再起》、僻室MarsBUG熒惑蟲計畫_第三部曲《火星》、白晝之夜《大人的體操隊》、台北藝術節《但是⼜何night》、青年高中音樂科年度製作《搖滾高校生》、耳東劇團青春期創作計畫《船到橋頭自然捲》、白晝之夜《大人的運動會》導演、莎⼠比亞的妹妹們的劇團《SMAPXSMAP》、北藝大冬季公演《恐怖小店Little Shop Of Horrors》。
國立臺北藝術大學戲劇學系導演組畢業,原本計畫赴日讀研究所卻因疫情關係中止,這段期間有短暫地在銀行工作一陣子,後來又陸續的回來接觸劇場演出。目前正參與一個與新北市社會局合作的演出「寶寶劇場」,每天都在接觸未滿三歲的小朋友,與他們一起探索對劇場的好奇。參與過的製作包括:人尹合作社《ㄟ ˊ,為什麼房子在飛》、青年編舞《奻》、正聲廣播公司台中台《戲說Radio》、十貳劇場年度製作《12》、潛水者劇團《幹0糧母豬滾喇》、我城劇場《夏味食堂—品粥X甘味》、國立臺北藝術大學戲劇學院冬季公演《第十二夜》、國立臺北藝術大學戲劇學院103級畢業製作《兔子洞》、國立臺北藝術大學戲劇學院導演專題《早餐之後》、國立臺北藝術大學戲劇學院104級《The Two-Characters Play》。
國立台北藝術大學戲劇學系表演組畢業,14歲開始彈吉他,現為劇場及影像演員。具有豐富表演經驗,包含樂團、劇場、電影、電視劇等。勇於挑戰不同類型演出、角色,夢想成為一個能夠駕馭許多不同類型角色的演員。近年重要表演經歷包含舞台劇:張維佐 x 南村劇場《理想親密》、十貳劇場《即刻救援─捲土重來》、台南人劇團《浮生若夢之二手時代》;電視電影:醒吾科技大學畢業製作《淺島》、政治大學畢業製作《芻狗》、中國科技大學畢業製作《招潮》、輔仁大學影像傳播學系《所在》、KYMCO機車廣告、第六屆台灣酷兒影展入圍作品《伊卡洛斯的翅膀》、LINE TV HIStory第三季第2單元《那一天》、國立台北藝術大學《派對之後再之後》、三立華八《必勝大丈夫》;商業演出:密室逃脫—夢遊王國史詩鉅作【屍蹤報導】、台中燈會《寶島炫光巡邏隊》。
國⽴臺北藝術⼤學戲劇系畢業,主修表演。近年致⼒投⼊於劇場、影視演出,另外也投⾝於藝術跨域創作以及變裝皇后的表演。近年參與的劇場作品包含:2020 北藝⼤戲劇系畢業製作《⼭⽺》、2020 北藝⼤戲劇學院夏季公演《時代狂熱》、2019 英國愛丁堡藝術節《⿂》、2019 北藝⼤戲劇學院夏季公演《物種起源》、2019 北藝⼤戲劇系畢業製作《⽑⽪瑪麗》 、2019 三映電影《不及⻑⼤》2018 台北藝術節《 但是⼜何Night 》以及電視影視作品:台視連續劇《四⽉望⾬》。
伸手不打笑臉人-站台喜劇連演 I <菜冠雙頭 x 乾拌麵>
伸手不打笑臉人-站台喜劇連演 II <漫才少爺 x 傻孩子宅急便 >
得人疼單人演出- 偉大的兔子先生
得人疼單人演出- 公主開箱
僻室House Peace 創立於2018年,由一群擁有劇場各領域專業的成員組成,範疇包含導演、表演、舞台、燈光、服裝等劇場展演及各類視覺設計。
Where is Chu Wei?
Xiao Shen Community Announcement
Notice of December meeting
Subject: Notice of the 1068th management committee meeting
Discussion of preparations for the Winter Solstice Party and end-of-the-year celebration
Attendees: Members of the community management committee
Each committee member shall complete a mission through an interactive game and story-based experience. We hope that everyone watching will cooperate to create a wonderful ending.
Remarks: All community residents are welcome to participate. Please abide by the meeting procedures.
From the Xiao Shen Community Management Committee
* This is a real-world game. Participants should be psychologically prepared to engage in micro role playing and to work together to pass through different levels. Wear comfortable clothing and a face mask and bring an open mind, a joyful spirit, and your wits.
* Recommended for age 16 and up. The performance is open for the audience to watch outside the venue.
* Advance registration is required. The registration will be opened on 16th of November.
* Please arrive 15 minutes before the starting time. Latecomers will not be admitted.
* The performance is in Mandarin.
Director / Wen-Cheng Liu
Playwright / Collective work
Performers / Ying-Lou Chen, Oscar Liao, Yao-Jung Tsai, Yi-Ching Chang
Stage Manager / Chuan-Ren Tsai
Space and Prop Designer / Tzu-Ching Wu
Lighting Designer / You-Lun Luo
Wen-Cheng Liu
Wen-Cheng Liu graduated from the Department of Theatre Arts at Taipei National University of the Arts with a major in directing and has served as stage director, director’s assistant, actor, dancer, action choreographer, and drama teacher. Wen-Cheng has also been involved in TV, commercials, and concerts.
Ying-Lou Chen
Ying-Lou Chen graduated from the Department of Theatre Arts at Taipei National University of the Arts with a major in playwriting and is learning how to do things without becoming angry. He likes G.E.M. and Mayday because they are different and wants to write soulfully and truthfully. He also likes socialism and Haruki Murakami and is determined to present the purest paradise in everyone’s heart.
Oscar Liao
Oscar Liao graduated from the Department of Theatre Arts at Taipei National University of the Arts with a major in directing. Working with the Social Welfare Department of the New Taipei City Government, he has developed a "baby theater" program.
Yao-Jung Tsai
Yao-Jung Tsai began playing the guitar when he was 14. Since graduating from the Department of Theatre Arts at Taipei National University of the Arts with a major in acting, he has enjoyed a wealth of experiences including band performances, theater productions, films, and TV dramas. His dream is to be an actor who can handle many types of roles.
Yi-Ching Chang
Yi-Ching Chang graduated from the Department of Theatre Arts at Taipei National University of the Arts with a major in acting. He has devoted himself to theater, film, television, and drag performances, as well as cross-disciplinary art creation.
[ Welcome to Funny Land ]
Due to the global coronavirus pandemic, everyone has experienced some form of upheaval in terms of relationships and distances between people. We use "humor" as an incision point to encourage interactions between performances and audiences at a new distance. In this way, a greater diversity of performing arts groups is introduced and more possibilities for performances are explored at C-LAB. These include fun themed games, magic shows, solo drag show, and shows by Manzai comedy groups that have been active on the Internet but are now appearing in person.
Originally scheduled for the summer, pandemic prevention restrictions that were in place then have since been lifted so that we can now usher in a time of exuberance. It is hoped that everyone who participates finds a familiar yet fantastical experience through their interactions with different performances and performers.
Funny Land Series includes the following programs:
Where Is Chu Wei?
If Laughter Can Be Superpower, then We Are Heroes I
If Laughter Can Be Superpower, then We Are Heroes II
Maybe a Loveable Solo- The Great Mr. Rabbit
Maybe a Loveable Solo- Unboxing The Princess
Curator: House Peace
House Peace was founded in 2018 by a group of professionals with different areas of expertise including directing, acting, set design, lighting, costume design, and visual design.
House Peace is diversity and creativity-oriented. Starting from its foundation in theater, it attempts to combine various creative media to serve as a laboratory for inclusive theater performances, spatial landscapes, and original productions.