結束囉 Event has ended

四界飛 sì-kè-pue / 紙飛機太空站 ──活動已結束──

四界飛 sì-kè-pue / 紙飛機太空站 Key Version

8/27(六)- 8/28(日)14:30-20:30

9/3  (六)- 9/4  (日)14:30-20:30 





注意事項 |

※ 操作時注意飛機不可對人拋射。
※ 離開時請務必記得帶走自己的紙飛機!
※ 6歲以下兒童,須由家長陪同。
※ 作品周遭禁止奔跑、跳躍、攀爬、推擠等危險動作。
※ 禁止觸碰燈具及電線。
※ 注意天氣高溫與地面濕滑導致的危險。



sì-kè-pue /paper aircraft space station

In Taiwanese, sì-kè-pue means to fly all about. 

My happiest childhood memories are those of running up to the roof and flying paper airplanes with my neighbors. We tried to make them land on the roof of the building across from us or on cars and watched as they flew all about. Today, due to the development of residential areas and increased traffic, it has become more difficult for groups of people to play in public or private spaces. 

This work borrows on the form of a space station. It is a physical space where people of all ages can “fly” paper airplanes and enjoy new experiences. Try flying paper airplanes of different shapes and launching them from high places. You can even challenge the record for the longest distance! 

Artist/Wen-Cheng LEE
Spatial Designer /Ssu-Ya SU CHEN
Graphic Designer/Tyng-Jiun LIN   

Notes | 

※ Do not aim paper airplanes at people.
※ Children under the age of 6 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
※ Running, jumping, climbing, and pushing are prohibited.
※ Do not touch lights or wires.
※ Stay hydrated in hot weather and beware of slippery surfaces.

Design team|Haorih Creative Studio

Haorih Creative Studio is comprised of professional artists, spatial designers, graphic designers, and project planners. This is a cross-disciplinary, integrated, creative team with the goal of developing Taiwan’s cultural identity and industries. Their exhibitions, installations, and designs enable people to discover new possibilities for their lives while supporting Taiwan’s industries and development.