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多重主修藝術市集 SLASHIE Market ──活動已結束──

多重主修藝術市集 SLASHIE Market Key Version



帕婆仔山一日遊 ( Mountain Papoah)



* 販賣演出,每次演出長約二十到三十分鐘

* 現場的互動式偶戲與立體書演出


台中潭子劇團,探究偶戲與肢體劇場的結合應用為主。 希望能用作品向這土地上每一景物揮揮手,為這社會每一人物拍拍手!

瑞瑞王 ( WANG ReyRey)



* 盧恩符文占卜、生命靈數流年

* 「你包裡的物件記事」 私密小劇場

>>王瑞儀 WANG ReyRey


甜美絕配 ( Sweet Match)



* Sangria水果酒、檸檬氣泡飲、可麗露、布朗尼、司康、瑪德蓮

* 從「我們的第一支舞」開始

>>采柔&慈儀 Tsai-Rou&CiYi



藝國美食 ( Exotic cuisine )



* 果凍花、越南咖啡、越南法國麵包、越南點心

* 9/3越南咖啡泡法以及演出「才子樂、獨弦琴」演奏,9/4體驗果凍花製作示範

>>陳秋柳 Trần Thu Liễu ,Lucy


陳家聲工作室劇團 ( Garsonplay Studio)



* 【告白神器2.0】絹版印刷

* 陳家聲工作室劇團獨創《戀戀得來速:夏日市集版》情境劇演出,預計每日演出3場、每一場次15分鐘。

>>陳家聲工作室劇團 Garsonplay Studio


愛聽不聽 (To TING or Not to TING)

日間攤位將銷售超展開策畫及黑白文化出版品(並邀請作者駐攤簽名);傍晚進行「攤位導覽團」互動演出,週日晚間於攤位進行Live podcast錄音,來賓為事前於網路上募集之觀眾,由主持人擔任「陪聊」,參與錄音觀眾將獲得吟遊森林練習生(?)的手綁花束一份。 


* 書籍出版品

* 書籍與花藝銷售、互動演出與Live podcast

>>愛聽不聽(超展開策畫) Hyper Curation


Jam Circle 世界樂器體驗 (Jam Circle Wusic World)

非洲鼓、手碟、鋼舌鼓、迪吉里度管、Asaloto、Bango、Udu、沙鈴、薩滿鼓、雨棒、海鼓、手鼓、拇指琴..等各種世界樂器體驗、學習、合奏 。 


* 各種世界樂器,自由學習、自由打賞

* 各種樂器體驗、教學、即興合奏、Drum Circle

>>西娜娜 Seanana


屏東男奶奶 (Man Grandma from Pington)







* 手寫字(卡片、書籤),滷肉飯

* 戲劇(現場做滷肉,並以此帶出與奶奶的關係)

>>廖原慶 Liao Yuan Ching









* 手寫占卜詩卡、書籤


>>鹿岶呦 L’une




Mountain Papoah

“One pop-up book, 6 puppets, 12 levels, and 20 events. Let us take you on a hike up a mountain in 20 minutes.” 


* Performances for sale, each 20 to 30 minutes in length.

* Live interactive puppet show and pop-up book performance.


Papoah Studio is a theater company from Tanzi District of Taichung City that mainly explores the combinations and applications of puppet theater and physical theater. 

They hope to use their works to wave at every setting on this land and applaud every character in this society!


Let’s talk about your life path number or the message hidden within the rune symbol you chose. Or, enter the “recording of objects in your bag” private theater to find your previously unnoticed spiritual guides. 


* Rune symbol divination, life path number

* “Recording of objects in your bag” private theater

>>WANG ReyRey

WANG ReyRey was born in Kaohsiung and is of 1/4 Penghu ancestry. She continues to learn humility and tolerance from the sea and is a freelance actress, writer, and amateur fortune teller.

Sweet Match

This “racing heart” experience is offered every hour on the hour. If a participant is willing to interact with the person whom he/she is interested in, let the god of love help to complete this matchmaking mission, which begins with “our first dance” and continues with conversation under the influence of Sangria. 


* Sangria, sparking lemon drink, canelé, brownie, scone, madeleine.

* Starts with “our first dance.”


Tsai-Rou is a physical theater performer from Taitung, who completed a physical theater exchange program in Cambodia. She is on a journey to connect physical theater practices and life. 

CiYi is from Yilan. She is a performer, teacher, and founder of the desserts brand TEATIME MONSTER.

Exotic cuisine

Parents can experience making gelatin flowers with their children, the colors of which are created with natural materials, such as butterfly pea flowers, carrots, dragon fruit, cocoa, coconut milk, and matcha powder.  


* Gelatin flowers and Vietnamese coffee, French bread, and other foods.

* 9/3 Vietnamese coffee brewing with tai tu music and dan bau (Vietnamese stringed instrument) performance; 9/4 Gelatin flower making

>>Trần Thu Liễu ,Lucy

Trần Thu Liễu or Lucy is from Vietnam. She likes to learn and is constantly searching for herself. By chance, she met someone who helped her on the path to her dreams. She has come in contact with movies and stage productions and is often invited by government agencies and schools to share the culture and foods of her country.

Garsonplay Studio

During the Playarts Festival, Garsonplay Studio presents Drive-through Romance: The Summer Market, serving you a romantic meal for a limited time that is sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy. Also, purchase a “ ‘Confession of Love 2.0’ artifacts and silk screen print” limited edition silk screen print to experience a summer filled with love and flavor.  


* “Confession of Love 2.0” artifacts and silk screen print.

* Garsonplay Studio has created the situational drama Drive-through Romance: The Summer Market, with an estimated three performances per day, each lasting 15 minutes.

>>Garsonplay Studio

Garsonplay Studio was founded in 2014. It is committed to observing social issues and critiquing life. Through witty dialogue, serious issues are wrapped up in humor. Amid the laughter are unspoken and pressing questions.

To TING or Not to TING

During the day, Hyper Curation and Halftone Press publications are available for purchase (with organized book signings). In the evening, an interactive “booth guide team” performance is presented. On Sunday nights, there is a live podcast. Guests are recruited in advance online and hosts guide the conversations. Participants receive a hand-tied bouquet from a Zana Floral intern (?). 


* Books and publications.

* Books and floral arrangements for sale, interactive performance, and live podcast.

>> Hyper Curation

This podcast is created by theater actors Lao Ke and Sassoon and editor/producer A Ju. Topics might be related to the theater or might not. It does not matter as it is up to you whether to listen (ting in Chinese) or not.

Jam Circle Wusic World

Experience, learn about, and play instruments from around the world, such as the African drum, handpan, steel tongue drum, didgeridoo, asalato, bango, udu, shaker, shaman drum, rainstick, ocean drum, and kalimba.  


* Musical instruments from around the world, freestyle learning, by donation.

* Musical instrument experiences, learning, jam session, drum circle.


Seanana is a performing artist, director, actress, and rowing enthusiast. She loves to be in the sun, to laugh, and to play the drums, as well as to dance to and sing African songs for you. She provides a variety of musical instruments for all to enjoy.

Man Grandma from Pington

I practiced calligraphy and ate my grandmother’s braised pork as a child. 

I became this version of myself. 

If I imagine my grandmother today, what emotions do I use? 

I make a bowl of braised pork, 

and expect to become a brave adult.   


* Calligraphy (cards, bookmarks), braised pork with rice.

* Theater performance (Through the making of braised pork, he reflects on the relationship with his grandmother.)

>> Liao Yuan Ching

I like calligraphy and cooking. 

So, here I write in calligraphy and cook for you. 

Hope you like it.