結束囉 Event has ended

馬戲超「展」開-心・願 ──活動已結束──

馬戲超「展」開-心・願 Key Version












行為表演者李南煖、馬戲表演者鍾易錚、足技表演者蕭似綿、特效化妝表演者盧玫璇,四人 以「心・願」為題,在空總園區內選定特定的空間、透過展覽形式,呈現並解說特定的「展覽品」,而觀眾在「逛展覽」的過程中,將漸漸地拼湊出四人曾經歷的生命片刻與對當下、對社會、對家庭、對未來的看法與期待,讓觀眾去發掘四人的心之所向,身之所往。



※ 本展覽需事先報名。

※ 本展覽位於戶外空間,將有專人帶領參觀,全程需跟隨導覽者移動且無提供座位。
※ 請自備雨具與做好防蚊措施。

※ 因應防疫需求,請觀展請全程配戴口罩並配合藝術節之防疫規定。

計畫統籌 / 李南煖、鍾易錚 

共同創作 & 表演者 / 鍾易錚、蕭似綿、盧玫璇、李南煖

鍾易錚 & 蕭似綿 & 盧玫璇 & 李南煖

這四位來自不同專業背景的創作者,相遇於臺北表演藝術中心 2020馬戲棚計畫創作工作坊,課後閒暇常一起吃飯聊天、討論「當代馬戲」樣貌,當創作機會敲門,四人決定秉持著「當下,我們就是當代」之精神,共同創作「屬於我們的當代馬戲」。




台灣南投人,1996/12/16 出生,畢業於國立台灣戲曲學院民俗技藝學系,擁有 12年的深厚特技背景。 現為自由藝術工作者,近年來參與各式馬戲與舞蹈相關演出,長期培訓肢體訓練與表達,專注於舞蹈研究上,讓身體更柔軟的密切契合於物件之中,開發創作能力,是目前的現況。興趣除了表演之外也喜歡戶外活動、雙人瑜珈、旅行、廚藝...




畢業於北藝大戲劇系主修表演、Goldsmiths, University of London MA Performance Making,在台北生活的鹿港人,現為一名表演藝術工作者,也常常游移在不同身份之間,創作與表演形式以行為記錄、Live Art、戲劇與音樂劇為主,2021年考上東吳大學法律專業研究所,即將重返校園當一名法律系研究生。











An Exhibition of 'Our' Contemporary Circus and Wishes

Circus acts, footwork, prosthetic makeup, and exhibition (plus guide).

We are holding an exhibition. 

There are four of us: a juggler, a footwork artist, a performance artist, and a prosthetic makeup artist. 

We have collaborated on an exhibition of ourselves, with a guided tour and performances. 

It includes circus acts, footwork, prosthetic makeup, and exhibition (plus guided tour). 

Our exhibition is entitled Wishes.

Our wish is to be part of an exhibition!

You are welcome to observe us and the exhibition we have organized. 

An invitation by Yi-Cheng Chung, Szu-Mien Hsiao, Xuan Lu, and Nan-Hsuan Lee.


* Advance registration is required. The registration will be opened around mid of November. 

* This outdoor exhibition requires moving about as you follow a guide. Therefore, no seats are provided. 

* Please bring rain gear and mosquito repellent.

* Audience members must wear a face mask during the entire performance and comply with epidemic prevention measures. 

Planners & Coordinators / Nan-Hsuan Lee, Yi-Cheng Chung  

Co-creators & Performers / Yi-Cheng Chung, Szu-Mien Hsiao, Xuan Lu, Nan-Hsuan Lee

Yi-Cheng Chung, Szu-Mien Hsiao, Xuan Lu, and Nan-Hsuan Lee

These four creators from different professional backgrounds met at the 2020 Circus Factory Project Creative Workshop of the Taipei Performing Arts Center. They often ate together and discussed concepts of the "contemporary circus". When an opportunity came for them to create, they took it, upholding the spirit of "we are contemporary" as they collaborated on An Exhibition of "Our" Contemporary Circus.

Yi-Cheng Chung

Yi-Cheng Chung majored in computer science and information engineering at Ching Yun University. Now, at the age of 30, he enjoys juggling and exploring the relationships between street performers and contemporary people. 

Szu-Mien Hsiao

Born in Nantou, Taiwan in 1996, Szu-Mien Hsiao graduated from the Department of Acrobatics of the National Taiwan College of Performing Arts and is now a freelance performer with 12 years of experience. 

Xuan Lu

Xuan Lu is a prosthetic makeup artist who is afraid of the dark and of ghosts but can watch gory films while eating. Making appropriate use of chemical reactions and unique materials to speak her own language, she creates new ways of storytelling through the combination of prosthetic makeup and performance. 

Nan-Hsuan Lee

Nan-Hsuan Lee majored in acting at Taipei National University of the Arts and earned an MA in performance making from Goldsmiths, University of London. Originally from Lukang, Nan-Hsuan is a performance artist based in Taipei.

[ Circus Around You Series ]

Can everyday objects be used to embellish living spaces through stories? Within a city, while walking through parks or alleys, there are attractive and moving messages to discover! For the Play Arts Festival circus series, four professionals from different fields, Yi-Cheng Chun, Ssu-Mien Hsiao, Xuan Lu, and Nan-Hsuan Lee were invited to create a virtual yet real and incomparable guided tour of the park. In addition, the elite Taiwan Circus Gate integrates the collective memory of the park with C-LAB's spaces to bring new surprises to its historic setting. 

The Circus Around You series includes the following programs: 
Circus Park
An Exhibition of 'Our' Contemporary Circus and Wishes

Curator: Play Arts Team 

Cynthia Wang

Cynthia Wang possesses a wealth of experience in the performing arts including in production and management of domestic and overseas tours of theater and dance groups. She was also involved in the Taipei Arts Festival/Taipei Children's Arts Festival and Taipei Fringe Festival for more than 10 years. She is currently a curator in C-LAB's Research and Curatorial Department.

Ya-Rou Chen

Since graduating from the Department of Theatre Arts of Taipei National University of the Arts, Ya-Rou Chen has experienced many aspects of theater work including production, writing, directing, acting, and teaching, collaborating with Against Again Troupe, Hsingho Co., Ltd. & HoooH, and Dark Eyes Performance Lab. She was involved in the production of the Play Arts summer festivals in 2019-2020, Future Circus Lab for Taipower Company's Public Art Festival in 2017, and Weiwuying Circus Platform in 2016. She is currently working in C-LAB's Production Management Department.