玩聚場X台灣國際女性影展:走走電影 II Play Arts X Women Make Waves Taiwan International Film Festival: Going, Going to the Movies II

玩聚場X台灣國際女性影展:走走電影 II Play Arts X Women Make Waves Taiwan International Film Festival: Going, Going to the Movies II Key Version


13:00 短片選輯:海都是海、新娘石、苦澀的九月(親子推薦)
14:30 ALIS的心願
16:00 短片選輯:AFTERLIFE、鷺鷥河(親子推薦)
17:00 夏日片羽

Going, going. To widen the distance between point A and point B means walking away, being separated, and experiencing homesickness, accompanied by the memories of landscapes filled with strange sounds. Family footprints are left during their migration and the constant search for a place to stay. Going, going. It is an adventure, an encounter, a starting over, and the courage to unite and defend one’s homeland. Going, Going to the Movies introduces films with diverse themes such as family, gender, performance art, land justice, and the environment. Welcome to this film encounter. Going, going.


海都是海 The Tomato Girl
台灣 Taiwan | 2023 | DCP | Color, B&W | 26 min
2023 金穗影展觀摩片

少女念念有個不為人知的秘密:他無法像一般人一樣,從鏡中看到自己的樣子!念念只能從母親美華所畫的他,想像自己可能的樣子。雖然如此,念念始終渴望能親眼看見自己的模樣。但,念念做得到嗎? 本片透過各種媒材呈現番茄少女真誠的內心告白與吶喊!
Nian has a secret: she can’t see herself as everybody does! The portrait from her mother is the only way for Nian to imagine how she looks. Nian is eager to see her appearance by herself. Is it possible? The Tomato Girl epicts Nian’s identification journey through various media.

郭昕盈 KUO Hsin-Ying
KUO’s first documentary short SHe won the Golden Harvest Award and other international awards, and she premiered her solo exhibition Tomato Girl with composite media. She has been focusing on themes of self-development and trauma, delineating every unique life.

新娘石 Bride Stone
吉爾吉斯 Kyrgyzstan|2023|DCP|Color|16 min 
2023 洛杉磯獨立女性電影獎最佳劇情短片、最佳女性導演

According to Kyrgyz beliefs, a woman escapes from home after quarreling with her husband and father-in-law. She then turns into stone under his curse. This legend is still believed by local women, while men take advantage of superstition, exerting both moral and physical pressure on women.

固澤爾・杜申庫洛娃 Guzel DUISHENKULOVA
Born in 1980 in Osh, Kyrgyzstan, DUISHENKULOVA graduated from ISU. K. Tynystanova, Faculty of Economics. After graduation, she was apprenticed to director Temir BIRNAZAROV’s studio learning about filmmaking. 

苦澀的九月 Bitter September
瑞士 Switzerland|2022|DCP|Color|26 min
2022 溫特圖爾國際短片電影節

After the death of the Greek-American LGBTQ activist Zak, his childhood friend Sophia FARANTATOU returns to Greece. Between the mainstream media narrative and her own archive footage of Zak, FARANTATOU has no choice but to reflect on the meaning of memory. Only time can give her room to face the absence of her friend.

索菲亞・法蘭塔圖 Sophia FARANTATOU 
Born in 1987 in Athens, FARANTATOU received her first Bachelor in Sociology in Greece before leaving for Paris where she discovered her passion for documentary filmmaking. Currently, she moves between Marseille, Paris and Geneva, preparing for her first feature film.


Alis的心願 Alis’s Dreams
台灣 Taiwan | 2011 | DCP | Color | 64 min 
2011 金穗獎優等獎
2011 高雄電影節

74歲的Cina Alis是高雄藤枝部落的布農人,和兒子、媳婦、三個孫兒一起在六龜租房子住。他很勤勞,每天都有做不完的事:釀糯米酒、打米糕、刺繡、蓋雞寮、照顧孫兒,還能跋山涉水走回舊部落,巡視70多年前自己出生時的石板屋。Cina Alis這輩子和同部落的族人們已經被迫搬遷了五次,不斷離開自己親手建造的家園。這樣的迫遷切割了原住民們和山林的連結,更阻斷了他們的傳統文化傳承。從1939年以來的數度搬遷,再到2010年的永久屋,藤枝部落可能是全台灣遷村最多次的部落了。莫拉克風災後,藤枝部落塌陷,重建的希望渺茫,大部份族人都放棄了,只剩下少數人仍在等待,希望有一天能搬回山上。
74-year-old Cina Alist is a Bunun lady from the Tenjhih Tribe in Kaohsiung. Her tribe has been forced to relocate by the government five times. After the devastating typhoon Morakot, the tribe collapsed, and there was only a slim chance for reconstruction. Most of the tribal members gave up, leaving only a few of them still hoping to return to the mountains.

莎瓏.伊斯哈罕布德 Salone Ishahavut
A Bunun documentary filmmaker who holds a MA degree from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and a PhD from the Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies at the NYCU.


台灣 Taiwan | 2022 | DCP | Color | 15 min
2023 金穗獎

金太郎原是一名造墓師,後來轉職打掃墓園。每天他都會到南山公墓,到太太的墳墓前除草。自從他離開後,雜草逐漸漫過了墓碑、掩蓋太郎曾走過的小徑,墓園也少了定期整理的痕跡。 這天,金太郎從靈骨塔裡動身,一步步走回他待了大半輩子的南山公墓。
Jintaro transitioned from a tombstone maker to a cemetery cleaner due to many of the changes in burial practices. Since he passed away, no one has swept his wife’s tomb and the cemetery has overgrown with grass. . One day, Jintaro leaves the bone ash tower and returns to the Nanshan Cemetery where he spent most of his life....

薛若儀 HSUEH Lo-Yi
A Taoyuan-born documentary filmmaker, currently studying at the TNUA.

黃聖鈞 HUANG Sheng-Chun
A Taipei-born filmmaker who works across roles of director, screenwriter and cinematographer.

鷺鷥河 The Egret River
台灣 Taiwan | 2022 | DCP | Color | 20 min
2022 釜山新浪潮短片節最佳動畫片

Among the tall buildings of the city, a lonely guard hides a beautiful field that no one knows and meets an egret there, but the expansion of the city never stops. One day, the field is destroyed and the egret escapes without a trace. He begins to see mysterious illusions.

劉琬琳 LIU Wan-Ling
Born in 1981, LIU Wan-Ling is a freelance animator and illustrator who graduated from Tainan National University of the Arts. Inspired by the observation of nature and everyday life, her animations offer a unique and gentle perspective through detailed graphics.


夏日片羽 Hummingbirds
美國 USA | 2023 | DCP | Color | 77 min
2023 柏林影展新世代青少年單元首獎
2023 True/False影展
2023 Sheffield Doc/Fest雪菲爾國際紀錄片影展

In Laredo, a city in southern Texas on the Mexican border, Silvia and Beba’s friendship blossoms into a kaleidoscope of conversation, laughs, and activist shenanigans as they spend one final summer together before they go their separate ways. Stuck in the immigration process in a politically divided America, home seems fragile. But their bond is not. The half-light is a space for poetry and dreams.

希爾維亞・卡斯塔尼奧斯 Silvia CASTAÑOS
Born in Laredo, Texas, they live and work as a filmmaker and urban transit planner in Boston. Hummingbirds is their debut feature film.

艾斯黛芬妮亞「貝芭」孔特雷拉斯  Estefanía “Beba” CONTRERAS
Musician and filmmaker born in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico and grew up in Laredo. Hummingbirds is her directing debut.