結束囉 Event has ended

Blablaland ──活動已結束──

Blablaland Key Version




※ 本節目將不會有任何工作人員跟隨觀眾漫遊,演出全程的過程與內容,將全權交付觀眾彼此的互動與協商結果。

共同創作 / 葛郁芳、蔡育姍、黃美寧

宣傳照攝影 / 小川先生



參零柒關注的是藝術工作者的聚集與協作,特別是如何在水平式、去中心的決策模式下,以各種具有活力、彈性、創造力的計畫,實驗藝術家與社會之間的對話與關係,並用表演、劇場與身體,擴展社會對於「共」(the commons)的認知與想像。據此,我們走過了空總、板橋435、汐止社區、三鶯藝術節等駐地演出,也發想執行在2020年台北藝穗節橫跨城市空間的「台北漫遊」版本;在這系列「參與式表演」為基礎的創作中,「對話」的串連和組織始終是我們創作核心的關鍵。

官網 https://clabcreatorlulu307.wixsite.com/mysite

臉書 https://www.facebook.com/projects307


• 2019年/6月 空總臺灣當代文化實驗場《BlaBlaBla擴散計畫—我最近遇到了一個人,他說blablabla,還有blablabla》

• 2019年/12月 板橋435藝文特區《BlaBlaBla擴散計畫—BlaBlaBlaBla BlaBlaBla BlaBlaBlaBlaBla》

• 2020年/7月 汐止湖興里《 BlaBlaBla擴散計畫—BLAH 草地肢體工作坊》(與里長郭書成合作)

• 2020年/8月 臺北藝穗節《BlaBlaBla擴散計畫—Blablabla城市漫遊版》

• 2020年/8月 臺北藝穗節《純漾水姑娘》

• 2020年/10月 三鶯社區藝術共創計畫《身聲創作計畫:與聲音共舞》系列工作坊

• 2021年/8月 桃托邦藝文聯盟《網路上的芳鄰:七月半的記憶銀行》

【特殊企畫- 互動百分百 】













Blablaland is a game that requires a high degree of audience participation. From start to finish, it is guided by the audience's encounters and choices. During the game, audience members follow a map designed by the creative team with elements of Dance Online and Family Online serving as clues for passing through the various levels. There are also colored eggs hidden in the Play Arts offline performance venue. This is also an opportunity for people to talk to each other about their feelings regarding distance, contact, and gathering during the pandemic. 


* During this program, there will be no guider. The performance content will be relied on the audience members' interactions with one another.

Co-creators / Yu-Fang Ke, Yu-Shan Tsai, Mei-Ning Huang

307 Collective

This group of performing artists completed residencies at C-LAB in 2018. As they were assigned to Room 307, this became the name of their collective.

This collective is focused on bringing together and forming collaborations among artists and producing active and creative projects that involve experimentation with dialogue and the relationships among artists and society. Through performances, it seeks to expand the public's understanding and imagination of "the commons".

Official Website https://clabcreatorlulu307.wixsite.com/mysite

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/projects307

[ Special Event- Interact with You ]

One of the features of the Play Arts Festival is its highly interactive and interesting projects that take place alongside a multitude of programs. This year, we have planned live broadcasts for children to share their perspectives on this arts festival. Based on the theme of pandemic slashie, we have recruited performing artists for the market and a veteran shopping channel host to conduct a unique auction. Join in art-themed multiple level games and invite others to help complete challenges and tasks.

The Special Event includes the following programs: 

Twinkle Twinkle Little Eyes


Crazy Auction


Curator: Play Arts Team 

Cynthia Wang

Cynthia Wang possesses a wealth of experience in the performing arts including in production and management of domestic and overseas tours of theater and dance groups. She was also involved in the Taipei Arts Festival/Taipei Children's Arts Festival and Taipei Fringe Festival for more than 10 years. She is currently a curator in C-LAB's Research and Curatorial Department.

Ya-Rou Chen

Since graduating from the Department of Theatre Arts of Taipei National University of the Arts, Ya-Rou Chen has experienced many aspects of theater work including production, writing, directing, acting, and teaching, collaborating with Against Again Troupe, Hsingho Co., Ltd. & HoooH, and Dark Eyes Performance Lab. She was involved in the production of the Play Arts summer festivals in 2019-2020, Future Circus Lab for Taipower Company's Public Art Festival in 2017, and Weiwuying Circus Platform in 2016. She is currently working in C-LAB's Production Management Department.